Highland Marketing helps Illingworth Research and ResearchNurses.co improve SEO

Following a full review of and enhancement to the websites of Illingworth Research, one of the top providers of clinical research services, and ResearchNurses.co, the UK’s leading independent provider of research nurses, Highland Marketing has helped both organisations significantly improve their search engine optimisation (SEO).

Whilst Illingworth Research originally ranked outside the top 100 for all search engines, it has now achieved a number 10 position on Google. ResearchNurses.co originally ranked 58 on Google and 13 on Google blogs. Following the optimisation Illingworth Research ranked at 36 on Google and number one on Google Blogs.

As well as improving the websites, Highland Marketing launched in January a dedicated Twitter campaign for both companies in order for them to interact and engage with their stakeholders in a more targeted way, drive traffic to their websites and continue to improve SEO. The initial launch has also proved very successful, followers of the companies have already increased by up to 25%.

Both Illingworth Research and ResearchNurses.co have seen many of their tweets retweeted by customers, business partners and media organisations, therefore demonstrating the level of interest that has been generated through Twitter.

John Illingworth, managing director of Illingworth Research and ResearchNurses.co commented: “Before Highland Marketing came on board we already had a presence on Twitter but were using it sporadically and we lacked a sense of purpose. Highland Marketing has developed a strategy to help us interact with our clients on Twitter in a meaningful way. So far we have had excellent feedback and we will continue with our efforts. We will also be looking at developing strategies, with the help of Highland Marketing, for other social media channels such as Facebook.”

Susan Venables, client services director, Highland Marketing said: “Whereas in the past social media was perceived as a B2C tool, we are finding that more and more of our clients see the value of social media in a business to business environment. Illingworth Research and ResearchNurses.co have had the foresight to take advantage of this opportunity and they are already reaping the benefits.”

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