Leading clinical research company and research nurse provider appoint Highland Marketing

One of the top providers of clinical research services, Illingworth Research and the UK’s leading independent provider of research nurses, ResearchNurses.co have appointed Highland Marketing to raise their profile.

Following a competitive pitch, Highland Marketing has been selected to support both of the companies by delivering an integrated PR and social media campaign to promote their services across their target markets.

Illingworth Research carries out clinical trials in an extensive range of therapeutic areas and provides a broad range of services from medical photography to fully outsourced clinical trial monitoring and project management. ResearchNurses.co provides high quality, experienced research nurses for clinical trials across the UK, Europe & beyond. Together they provide the ultimate clinical research partnership.

John Illingworth, managing director of Illingworth Research and ResearchNurses.co, said: “We appointed Highland Marketing as we believe that their deep understanding of the healthcare market and their wide range of contacts are unrivalled. From the initial meeting, it was clear that the team understood our needs both in terms of our traditional PR and digital campaigning requirements and would be able to work alongside us to deliver our key messages to our target audiences.”

Previously the two companies had operated under a single brand, known as Clinical Development and Support Services Ltd, however, earlier this year it took a strategic decision to divide the business and allow each unit to pursue their core activities in order to embark on a period of significant expansion and growth.

John Illingworth, added: “Since engaging fully with Highland Marketing, the team has provided the flexibility to allow us to tap into their expertise whenever we need them, giving us immediate results.”

Highland Marketing will focus on positioning both of the companies at the forefront of the clinical research industry, creating recognition and awareness of their services both in the UK and worldwide.

Mark Venables, Highland Marketing CEO, said: “Clinical research plays a vital role in solving many of today’s healthcare challenges. It is essential that the industry recognises that companies such as Illingworth Research and ResearchNurses.co are crucial in providing an answer to some of those challenges.

“This new relationship demonstrates that Highland Marketing supports clients across the whole healthcare spectrum from extremely specialised areas to those operating in highly competitive markets. It is refreshing to work with such forward thinking organisations, who are keen to embrace social media and use it to help drive their PR and marketing strategy.”

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